
Thoughts about this course as it develops
Friday, December 03, 2004
It has been a crazy couple of weeks, most of it good but not all. I like the material on Ethics and Deb Tannen and how that went over. These seemed liked valuable experiences for the students and ones that I will repeat in the future. The Negotiation Paper was a basically a bomb. Only half have turned it in and of those only a couple really understood the assignment. Setting it up to run over vacation was a mistake (unless, perhaps, it were due the day we returned). However, no one used this opportunity to make it happen and seemed to lose the point of the assignment with the interruption. I need to make this better next time. I hope that the semester ends well. A couple of people are in the hole and it doesn't look that hopefully. But I have been surprised before and there are currently several who have been on shakey ground that have recovered effectively.


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