
Thoughts about this course as it develops
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Boy, did I blow this. Never, never have I had test results like this. - 8 A's and 3B's (and two test to grade and another to be finished). Half of the A's were over 100%. This is good, I guess, but I am left to wonder. It was the extra credit that set the scale off. The grades without the extra credit were more midrange, no big problems but no off the scale. I can't tell if there is anything wrong here or is it all good. I will ask the students and see if they feel anything is amiss.

This unpredicted results brings forth a seed of insecurity about how the course is going. I have been very happy with it, as far as how it is working for me. For me, it is running much smoother than last time. It feels richer, more integrated and effective. However, this is about me, and I have been afraid that the course is too much about me. I talk too much. Sure there are interactive activities and these help but I can't really gauge how the students are liking it. I haven't asked them enough or involved them in creating a direction for the course. It seems as if they might have been expecting something different, not that they are complaining, but they might just be going along with the ride because frankly what are their alternatives. Maybe this is not the course that I thought it was. For one thing, I have not really built in enough - hardly any - reflection. No personal writing and connection making. The reflection is with the case studies or with the papers and these are either artificial situations or formulaic. What about them? How have I missed this? Now I don't feel so good about how it is going. I guess my standards are too high or even unreasonable. I want the course to make a difference in someone's life. Is this the case now? And why is this so important to me?


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