
Thoughts about this course as it develops
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Fun doing "Win As Much As You Can" activity. This often makes for an interesting class.

And now we move to less conceptualizing toward more techniques of conflict resolution. Plus another test on the horizon.

It's so facinating to see how these ideas challenge the student's models of how interpersonal relationships work - and challenge me, too. I have encouraged them to be feisty and not to swallow anything that doesn't feel right to them. My goal is for us to wressle with the ideas and the techniques, not to simply relate to them on an intellectual level. I am really pleased with how they are critically thinking about things and starting to see the complexity of this topic. On the surface this course can appear rather simplistic (and could be taught this way, with, I think, poor results) but there is a lot of depth to be mined here. That's our goal, take an awareness of interpersonal relationships and communication to new levels of insight and behavior. Is this happening? I think so, but it's tricky to measure (and therefore grade).


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