
Thoughts about this course as it develops
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Been an okay week. I really like the CRIP approach and think that we got some good mileage out of it. There are still some problems with students being preoccupied with their own issues around conflict or that much of what we are doing is or feels like common sense. I was a little disappointed in how I set up the Jack and the Giant role-play. Some parts of it worked well such as having them work in small groups. But by setting up the different styles and not getting the arbitrators a clear role created some awkwardness. The students were good, very willing to try it out. But I am a little unhappy with myself. It should have worked better. I have found myself not feeling very well this week. Not a big deal, sore throat and headache, but this seems enough to throw me off. I didn't feel sharp and didn't anticipate and work things out as well as I could. It's wasn't bad but it felt somewhat like a missed opportunity. The vacation is coming at a good time to recharge.


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